Saturday, June 30, 2018

Leo and the Sickle Later in the Year

The night I recorded this was the night I saw Jupiter with my telescope, so I was focused much more on that and only on Leo briefly. At the same time two weeks later, the Sickle had angled slightly more upwards and the constellation moved west. 

Compared to April 22 when Regulus was at a 235° azimuth and a 50° altitude, it was now at a 250° azimuth and 38° altitude. 

Leo and the Sickle

Leo is the constellation which is recognizable by its "backward question mark," the Sickle. (I apologize I accidentally labeled the lion's tail as the Sickle in my drawing). The brightest star in the constellation is Regulus, who, on this night was situated 235° west with a 50° altitude.

As mentioned in my previous observation, I had looked at Leo once before, not looking for it specifically, but was happy that I was able to recognize it. That night, along with this, will be the memories I keep of my first experiences with the constellation of Leo the Lion, which truly is spectacular.

First Quarter Moon

This first quarter moon shone in the western sky below the constellation Leo at an altitude of 37°. I had seen Leo once or twice before, but this time was the first time I really started to learn it (see my next post about Leo). I also found it interesting to see where Castor and Pollux we’re positioned, compared to when I first saw them in the fall. 

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Where I Have Been & Updates

[let me start by being totally honest and saying that I originally started writing this post on June 6th. now it’s June 26th. some of the content has been altered for the time]

It has been saddening to me that I have not posted on here in three months, and that I have very minimal posts since the new year. I would always want to blog, especially to show my ‘recent’ observations and talk about the many things that have recently happened in the world of space, but life has just been so crazy.
Here’s a timeline of how my life’s been going:
  • I was tracking the number of consecutive ‘miserable’ weeks and I think I made it up to “This is the Eighth Miserable Week in a Row.”
I know I shouldn’t use the word miserable like this because I really do live a blessed life that many would be happy to have. I’m using miserable in the sense of no sleep, not enough hours in a day to get everything done, crazy decision making, feelings of overwhelmedness, and just so much going on.
  • Then I had an okay week.
  • Then I had another miserable week.
  • Then I had three good-okay-fair-relaxing-whatever-you-want-to-call-it weeks.
  • And now, here I am.
I’ve had some room for a breath at this point and it’s time to come back on here. Times when I’ve wanted to blog, I just couldn’t. I didn’t want to ‘take a break’ from this blog, and this wasn’t planned.
We had another observation notebook to do for class (unfortunately I wasn’t able to do all of them, so my grade won’t be too great  -- update: it was, I’m honestly not sure why or how but I got a perfect score) and I turned it in without taking pictures of it. When I was still in the sixth or seventh “miserable” week, I had planned on having this apology post followed by a continuous daily (or twice daily) run of all the observations I’d done. But -obviously- that didn’t happen. I don’t have the notebook and I don’t have pictures, but I will surely post them if I am able to. [Spoiler Alert] One of the most exciting observations I did this spring was looking at Jupiter with my telescope! It was a little bit of a struggle, but I was so happy! I’ll be sure to let you know about that!
Now, I was hoping to be able to have a supplemental post to go up at the same time as this; I don’t know if that will happen, but I will most definitely get a post or two up as soon as I can - which will hopefully be this week! (Update: I was able to get the notebook back so I hope to have all my new observations come out asap!)

For those of you still reading or still here, thank you.
This is a summer for the stars, for imagination, for dreaming, for sunsets sunrises, for writing and learning. And I promise you’ll be a part of it.

With Love,
    North Star Gazer 🔭