Tuesday, August 15, 2017

This Day In Space History: August 15

Not much happened today in space, but one especially fascinating thing did happen today. And it has to do with......



Jerry Ehman, a professor at Ohio State and part of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) project, received records of sounds from space, via "The Big Ear" telescope. On August 15, 1977, however, the sounds were different. 6EQUJ5, to be exact. But what significance does that hold? The sound matched the 1959 predicted frequency by Philip Morrison and Giuseppe Cocconi - a 1420 megahertz radio wave, the frequency of hydrogen. So how did Ehman react to the signal? "Wow." The specifics of the signal made it appear to have been produced knowingly. But now the question is what made the noise? Where did it come from? It was tracked back to the Sagittarius constellation. It could have been a natural space sound such as a collision. But since 1977 -40 years ago today- it was never repeated.

We still don't know who or what made that noise, but we know we have not received another seemingly intentional signal from space. Maybe one day we'll come in contact with the sound's source again. Or maybe it will remain a mystery...

Click on the link below to read the NPR article about this amazing story of the WOW Signal.

as fun as aliens are, I want to acknowledge one more event today...


After the space shuttle Challenger's devastating crash in January, President Ronald Reagan announces changes in the space program to fund a $3 billion project to replace Challenger with a new shuttle.

For a complete list of today’s Space History, see  http://www.astronautix.com/a/august15.html

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