Monday, December 18, 2017

International Space Station ☄

I had a schedule of when the ISS would be in the sky each night, and for two weeks, I'd been watching for it, but it was always cloudy. The first day I looked, it was a clear night and I was looking in the right spot, but for some reason, I just didn't see it. Now, I can't believe that I didn't see it that night because when I finally saw it for this observation, it was so big compared to the stars, shining brightly and moving fairly quickly in an arc across the sky. I remember stepping outside and looking up, spotting the ISS immediately. A smile stretched across my face - I was happy, excited, and thinking about the astronauts and scientists up there. Once the space station started to leave my view, I remember taking off one shoe and hopping one-footed through my house to the front door so I wouldn't let the snow inside. I watched the ISS pass through Cassiopeia (my favorite constellation), travel east, and then set behind the trees. It was suddenly over, but those two minutes of awe and excitement were one hundred percent worth it. 

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